
Our Story

One chilly evening in Mykonos, Greece, our co-founder Eda wandered into a tiny bag shop to avoid the cold. Looking around at all the beautiful leather bags in many designs and shades of brown, one simple but unique backpack caught her eye. 

The “print” of the bag looked natural yet luxurious; the material was smooth and soft yet it looked sturdy and durable (indeed, this has been proven through the years of use (and abuse) since); it felt cushier than leather and of excellent quality. To her surprise, it was incredibly lightweight for its size. She learnt that this amazing material was cork. Who knew that this wine stopper material could be used to make an entire bag?

Despite having already bought 2 other bags on that trip (one made of suede and the other made of canvas), our cost-conscious budget traveler nevertheless decided to invest in a 3rd bag. She knew she had found a quality bag that was both versatile and unique. 

Back home, she couldn’t wait to show (off) this special find. Being a bit of a nerd, Eda dug a little deeper into the world of cork to understand more about this material. What she learnt amazed her. 

This bag was how we’d describe people as beautiful inside and out – its material was a sustainable, cruelty-free vegan leather, made from nature with no trees or animals harmed in the process. She started to wonder why she wasn't able to get quality cork leather bags here in Singapore, or in the region for that matter. Surely more people should be introduced to this eco-friendly, quality leather alternative! 

Sharing her enthusiasm of cork leather with her friends was easy when she showed her bag to them, but she knew a 2D picture on a website would not do justice to the unique character of cork. She strongly believed that people should have the chance to see and feel the material for themselves.   

Which is why Eda started Cork Discovery sessions, "Let's Talk Cork", where she would meet with people to introduce them to this fabric that is not only elegant but also soft to the touch.  

      + Book a slot with us to feel the difference of cork in person!

Why the name 200 Years?

The cork oak tree has an average lifespan of over 200 years. We chose to reflect this in our brand name as we wanted to convey the sustainable nature of our products and honour the legacy of these awe-inspiring trees.

Why choose 200 Years?

We are committed to only working with partners who are themselves committed to sustainable practices without sacrificing quality.